
Selasa, 24 November 2020

SfH #9 English Grade VIII (ONLINE #6)

SfH #9 English Grade VIII (ONLINE #6)
VIII A, B, C, D, and E 

Opening Class
Assalamualaikum wr wb, My dear students... 
 Let's we start or class today by praying together, 
Li ridhoi ta'ala wa li syafa'ati rosulillah... Al fatihah... 
Rodhitubillahirobba wabil islamidinna wabi Muhammadinnabiyya warosulla, 
Robizidni ilma...Aaamiiin 

 Please, before we start, prepare your note book, your stationaries and your English Book Grade VIII. Siapkan buku tulismu, alat tulismu dan buku Paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII. 
Here, I'll explain your steps you have to follow and do in our English Class using this GC. 
1. Fill in the PRESENT LIST. Remember! It is a MUST. (Ingat! ini wajib 'AIN!) 
2. Read and learn All the Materials (texts or videos) given. For today,, SfH #9 English Grade VIII (ONLINE #6):

a. Review the previous material "We can do it, We will do it" (Mengulang sekilas materi sebelumnya) I will post it at 08.30 a.m. (akan saya posting jam 08.30 pagi) Write it down on your note book. (catat di buku tulismu) 
b. New Material. New Topic. Start. (at 09.30 a.m.) 
c. Checking Your Understanding. Little Quiz. (at 11.00 a.m.) 

3. You SHOULD read also All the Class Comments above every material. (baca juga sebaiknya membaca semua komentar-komentar) 
All right guys, I hope you can understand what I read here and do it. 
Now, lets' find PRESENT LIST then fill it. Well, Tugas yg kemarin-kemarin belum dikumpulkan, segera kumpulkan juga lo ya. 
Dilihat di bagian TUGAS KELAS, masih ada semua penjelasannya. 
You can submit it by: 
1. this GC (sesuai dengan tempat tugasnya masing-masing) 
3. FB Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati
4. IG @sitsalummutathma (Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati)

Review the previous material "We can do it, We will do it"

Morning, Guys... Have you fill the PRESENT LIST? Please, fill it first. You CAN get score 100, loh. In this part, before we continue to the next material today, I will give a review about the previous task. (saya akan memberikan penguatan tentang tugas sebelumnya) It's important so please make a note about it in your notebook. (catatlah di buku tulismu) Here we go... (mulai dari sini) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We CAN do it, We WILL do it EXPRESSING ABILITY (CAN) and EXPRESSING WILLINGNESS (WILL) 1. 3 clue words to express the ability to do something --> to say that we CAN do it jika kalian menemukan 3 kata kunci ini dalam sebuah kalimat yang kalian baca atau kalian dengan, maka bisa disimpulkan secara sederhana bahwa kalimat tersebut adalah kalimat yang 'menyatakan KEMAMPUAN untuk melakukan sesuatu' atau bahwa si pembicara 'mampu' atau 'dapat' atau 'bisa' melakukan sesuatu. a. CAN b. COULD c. be able to ('be" singkatan dari 'to be' (is, am, are, was, were)) jadi bisa 'is able to', 'am able to', 'are able to', 'was able to', were able to' 2. 2 clue words to express the willingness to do something --> to say that we WILL do it jika kalian menemukan 2 kata kunci ini dalam sebuah kalimat yang kalian baca atau kalian dengan, maka bisa disimpulkan secara sederhana bahwa kalimat tersebut adalah kalimat yang 'menyatakan KEMAUAN untuk melakukan sesuatu' atau bahwa si pembicara 'mau' atau 'akan' atau 'ingin' melakukan sesuatu. a. WILL b. WOULD Then, how if we want to express inability (KETIDAKMAMPUAN) dan unwillingness (KETIDAKMAUAN)? just put NOT: a. CANNOT = CAN'T b. COULD NOT = COULDN'T c be NOT able to --> is not able to, am not able to, are not able to, was not able to, were not able to d. WILL NOT = WON"T d. WOULD NOT = WOULDN'T --------------------------------------------------------------- That's the review, if you want to study more deep, please watch again the videos in SfH #8 After this, at 09.30 a.m. we will start a new material. Please be ready with your English Book VIII Chapter 3 Here I give you some pictures about our new material. Let's guess. (Cobalah tebak)


Hi, Guys... Now, we will start a new topic today. Guys... Have you ever read a text :
___ NO SMOKING ___
Actually, what does it means? (apa sih maksudnya? apa tujuannya? Can you do it? Will you do it? I'm sure, after you understand the text, you know that it is good words. You can do it for your good. (pasti bisa demi kebaikan kalian) The question is WILL you do it? (akankah?) CAN and WILL ^_^ Well, so... What is the correlation between the texts I given and our material today? (apa hubungannya ya dengan materi hari ini?) The title of this topic is "WE KNOW WHAT TO DO" (know = mengetahui, tahu; Do = melakukan, lakukan) You can also study this material in your English Book Grade VIII Chapter III page 33 - 43. (page = halaman) In this chapter we will learn: 1. to give suggestion = expression of suggestion 2. to state rules = expression of prohibition 3. to state obligation = expression of obligation WHAT ARE THEY ABOUT? Alright, to make you understand, please watch the video above. While you watch the video, please be ready to take note. (sambil melihat video, siaplah juga untuk mencatat hal berikut)

Video Materi (1) Watch it carefully.
Video Materi (2) Watch it carefully.
------------------------------------- Find the answer for the following questions in the video: (temukan jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut DI DALAM video) 1. suggestion is ... 2. prohibition is ... 3. obligation is ... 4. clue words to express suggestions are ... (clue word = kata kunci) 5. clue word to express prohibition is ... 6. clue words to express obligation are ... ------------------------------------------------------------- okay, watch the video carefully and find the answer for the 6 questions above. (tonton baik-baik videonya dan temukan jawaban dari 6 pertanyaan itu) For the next, at 11 a.m I will give you a little Quiz about it. be ready...

Checking Your Understanding "We Know What to Do" (Suggestions, Obligations, Prohibitions)

After you read and learn the material about "We Have To Do It" in the video,
let's check how far you can understand the material.
Please do this Little Quiz correctly.
Ini LINK Quiznya. Dikerjakan baik-baik ya...

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