
Jumat, 20 November 2020

SfH #11 English Grade VIII (Online #8)

 SfH #11 English Grade VIII (Online #8)
VIII A, B, C, D, E

Opening Class

Assalamualaikum wr wb, My dear students... Let's we start or class today by praying together, Li ridhoi ta'ala wa li syafa'ati rosulillah... Al fatihah... Rodhitubillahirobba wabil islamidinna wabi Muhammadinnabiyya warosulla, Robizidni ilma...Aaamiiin Please, before we start, prepare your note book, your stationaries and your English Book Grade VIII. Siapkan buku tulismu, alat tulismu dan buku Paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII. Here, I'll explain your steps you have to follow and do in our English Class using this GC. 1. Fill in the PRESENT LIST. (PRESENT LIST GRADE VIII (A, B, C, D, & E)) Remember! It is a MUST. (Ingat! ini wajib 'AIN!) 2. Read and learn All the Materials (texts or videos) given. For today,, SfH #11 English Grade VIII (ONLINE #8): a. NEW material "Come to My Birthday, Please; Happy Birthday Lina" I will post it at 08.30 a.m. (akan saya posting jam 08.30 pagi) Write it down on your note book. (CATAT di buku tulismu) b. INVITING SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING. Make an Invitation. (at 9 a.m.) c. INVITATION CARDS (at 10 a.m.) d. A QUESTION about An Invitation Card (at 11 a.m.) 3. Read also All the Class Comments above every material. (baca juga semua komentar-komentar) All right guys, I hope you can understand what I read here and do it. Now, lets' find PRESENT LIST then fill it. Well, Tugas yg kemarin-kemarin belum dikumpulkan, segera kumpulkan juga lo ya. Dilihat di bagian TUGAS KELAS, masih ada semua penjelasannya. You can submit it by: 1. this GC (sesuai dengan tempat tugasnya masing-masing) 2. email mrssitsal@gmail.com 3. FB Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati 4. IG @sitsalummutathma (Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati)

CHAPTER IV "Come to My Birthday Party, Please! Happy Birthday Lina." INVITING SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING

Hello everyone, Today we will learn next new material. This material will be our last material in this semester. Next meeting will be "Final Term Examination" or Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS). So, please be ready. ------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter IV "Come to My Birthday Party, Please! Happy Birthday Lina." Please open English Book Grade VIII: When English Rings the Bell start from page 45, and for more clear explanation you can learn from the videos (in the link) above. Well, in this Chapter there are three sub-materials: 1. to INVITE someone to do something 2. to give instructions 3. to ask for permission Due to the time limitation, among those three, our focus is sub-material no. 1. "TO INVITE SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING" Apakah kalian mempunyai gambaran tentang materi yang akan kita pelajari bersama? to INVITE someone to do something --> INVITE (apa ya bahasa Indonesianya?) example: Beni and Siti are walking together to go home after school. Beni : Siti, tomorrow is my birthday, would you like to come to my house at 10 a.m.? My mother will make a small party for my birthday. Siti : Okay, Beni. I will come to your house. Thanks for the INVITATION. Beni : Allright. See you tomorrow in my house. Jadi... apa ya INVITE itu? INVITATION? Di akhir percakapan, Beni mengatakan 'parting expression': see you tomorrow in my house, kepada Siti. (sampai jumpa lagi besok di rumahku) Nah, jadi...kemungkinan besok Siti akan datang ke rumah Beni karena Beni INVITE (mengundang)nya secara langsung/lisan. Then, how did Beni invite Siti? (bagaimana undangannya disampaikan?) Beni invited Siti DIRECTLY (=secara langsung) or ORALLY (=secara lisan) Sampai di sini sudah mulai paham materi kita kali ini? Now, please open your English Book Grade VIII Chapter IV (start from page 45) while watching this video: TO INVITE SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING : Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 Bab 4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkJEx4-e4ks) (buka buku paket Bab IV sambil menonton video ini)
1. Make some notes about: (catat hal-hal berikut di buku tulismu) What is 'to invite someone to do something' or 'expression of invitation' 2. Open and read page 47 and 48. Say it loudly, clearly and correctly. (baca dengan keras, jelas dan benar percakapan di halaman 47 - 48) 3. Write example of 'to invite someone to do something' or 'expression of invitation'. (tulis contoh ungkapan itu) 4. Write example of 'Accepting Invitation'. 5. Write example of 'Declining Invitation'. Sebagai pembanding, please learn also from this video: 1. CHAPTER IV || Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 INVITE SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING|| Accept & Declining Invitation (
2. INVITATION (Materi Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8)

Okay Guys, sampai di sini, sudahkah kalian paham apa yang harus dilakukan? At 09.30 a.m. I will post next material for you: 'make an invitation'. (make = membuat) 

to make you more and more understand about this topic. 

Okay... So far, we've learned about 'INVITING someone to do something', 'ACCEPTING invitation', and 'DECLINING invitation' directly/orally. (directly = secara langsung, orally = secara lisan). 
Now, it's your turn to create (=make) an invitation to someone to do something. (kesempatanmu untuk membuat sebuah undangan/ajakan).
The examples are in the picture above. (contohnya ada di gambar)

Instructions: (Petunjuk)
Make an invitation 'comic' based on the following situation. Choose ONE situation.
Invite your friend to: 
  • Play football after school (accepting) 
  • Your farewell party (accepting) 
  • Picnic in a garden (declining) 
  • Go swimming this weekend (declining)
The 'comic' or the background of the dialogue can be your real photo with your friend (ingat ini dialog, jadi lebih dari 1 orang ya yang berbicara) or animation picture. 
I am very sure, you can definitely use a very sophisticated image editing application. (kalau urusan edit gambar, saya yakin kalian canggih-canggih.)  
Just choose ONE story. (pilih satu saja ceritanya) 
The sentences can you choose from the material videos. (kalimatnya lihat lagi di video materi ya...bisa disesuaikan dengan situasi cerita yang saya minta) 

Jika sudah selesai, silakan kirim fotonya: 
1. di Google Classroom 
3. FB Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati
4. IG @sitsalummutathma (Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati)
Because next meeting is Final Term Exam, this Assignment is Today's Project ya...
(nah, karena pertemuan besok adalah PAS, maka tugas ini harus segera selesai hari ini juga ya...)
Thank you...
At 10 a.m. I will post our very last material today about INVITATION CARDS (= kartu Undangan) alias undangan tertulis.
Please be ready... ^-^

INVITATION CARDS (Written Invitation)

In the previous material, we already learned about inviting someone to do something 'directly'/'orally'. (undangan secara langsung/lisan) Lalu kalau ada Invitation Lisan, apakah ada undangan yang text/writen atau undangan tertulis? Jawabannya, Ya tentu saja ada. Hal ini biasanya terjadi ketika kita tidak bisa invite secara lisan face to face or by phone. Ataupun jika invite to come to formal occation (=acara resmi). Well, for this time, we will study about 'written' invitation (written = tertulis) or invitation card = invitation text. In Indonesia language, Invitation Card is 'kartu' undangan or Invitation Text artinya adalah teks berisi undangan atau bisa juga kita sebut sebagai undangan tertulis. More detail, an Invitation Card or Invitation Text is a letter that FUNCTIONs to invite someone to attend an event organized by the invitee, for example, a birthday party, wedding party, thanksgiving invitations and many others. (berfungsi untuk mengundang seseorang agar menghadiri suatu acara yang diselenggarakan oleh si pengundang) Do you get the point? (paham kan sampai ini?) Then, what is the form of invitation in English? Watch this video: INVITATION - SHORT FUNCTIONAL TEXT (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv9v7LAiZOA)
------------------write on your note book (tulis jawabannya di buku tulis)-------------- While watching the video, please be focus on: 1. FUNCTION/PURPOSE of the Invitation 2. Six PARTs of the Invitation (parts = bagian-bagian) How to make an Invitation (written invitation) ----------------------------------------------------------------- At 11 a.m. I will post A QUESTION about an Invitation Card to check your understanding more about it. Okay... ^-^

Question: State TRUE or FALSE for the following sentences based on the INVITATION CARD given. Give your explanation to support your answer.
State TRUE or FALSE for the following sentences based on the INVITATION CARD given. (tentukan mana kalimat yang T (benar) atau F (salah) sesuai dengan undangan) Give your explanation to support your answer in Indonesia. (Jelaskan dalam Bahasa Indonesia untuk mendukung jawabanmu) The invitation card is in picture above. (undangan yang dimaksud ada di bawah ini)
The Sentences are: (ini kalimatnya, tentukan T/F)
1. Megan will celebrate her 5th birthday. (T/F) 2. Mary invite us to have pajama party. (T/F) 3. The party will be held at October 1st. (T/F) 4. The place of the party is in Megan's house. (T/F) 5. Whether we can or can't come to the party, we have to confirm to Megan by phone or email. (T/F) 6. The party will last for 17 hours. (T/F) Cara menjawab: 1. Langsung dijawab di GC seperti mengetik sms/wa. Atau, 2. Tulis di buku tulis soal dan jawabannya, foto, kirim ke email/FB/IG.
Well, that's it our material today. Thanks so much. I am waiting for your tasks in GC/FB/IG or email. If you have any QUESTIONs please send me a message in GC/FB/IG/email/WA. Let's close our class today by praying together. Alhamdulillahirrobil alamin... Please stay healthy. Don't forget to remember 3M. We'll meet soon after this pandemi is over. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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