
Minggu, 29 November 2020




Assalamualaikum wr wb, Good morning, guys... How are you today? It's very nice to meet you again. In grade 8, In English class, With me, Mrs. Sitsal. Love you as always 🥰 For the first, Let's we start or class today by praying together, Li ridhoi ta'ala wa li syafa'ati rosulillah... Al fatihah... Rodhitubillahirobba wabil islamidinna wabi Muhammadinnabiyya warosulla, Robizidni ilma...Aaamiiin Be ready, Prepare you English Note Book (buku tulis bahasa Inggris) I'll give you some materials and some tasks for you. Do it in your Note Book, For the submission I'll give you a Google link. Okay? Can you understand what I write? Mulai dg cari tahu maksud tulisan bu Sitsal 👆🏽☺️ Sudah mulai paham ya?  

Be ready. Here are the Google link for materials and the submission. 





Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb, Hello everyone, Good morning... How are you today? I hope you are all in a good condition. Aamiin... In this Chapter we will learn some sub-materials: 1. Asking and Giving Attention Asking attention/Meminta perhatian adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta perhatian dari seseorang. Giving attention/Memberi Perhatian adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberikan perhatian/respon. 2. Checking the understanding Checking for undertanding adalah ungkapan atau ekspresi yang digunakan untuk mengecek pemahaman seseorang atau lawan bicara kita mengenai apa yang kita sampaikan kepadanya. Respon yang diberikan bisa positif (paham) atau negatif (tidak paham). 3. Showing Appreciation/Compliments Showing appreciation adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberi penghargaan atau pujian atau komentar terhadap seseorang mengenai penampilan, prestasi, dan sebagainya. 4. Telling something what we think/Opinion Ekspresi yang mengungkapkan mengenai permintaan pendapat, memberi pendapat dan merespon pendapat tersebut. Well, before we continue further to the material, I will ask you to do QUIZ. Above this, there is a GOOGLE FORM link to do the QUIZ - IT'S ENGLISH TIME. ALL RIGHT, do the QUIZ correctly.


1. Open your ENGLISH BOOK VIII - When English Rings a Bell, Chapter I, page 3 - 17. 

2. Read all the dialogues in that Chapter. If you don't know how to pronounce it, you can check in GOOGLE TRANSLATE web or English Dictionary OFFLINE Application in your smartphone. Or you can discuss with your friends. 

Section 1: Page 4 - 7 --> 11 dialogues 

Section 2: Page 9 - 11 --> 8 dialogues 

Section 3: Page 13 - 17 --> 16 dialogues 

3. Read and Practice the dialogues again, and RECORD it. AUDIO record or VIDEO record. For each sections, you ONLY choose 3 - 4 dialogues. 

Section 1 --> choose 3 dialogues 

Section 2 --> choose 3 dialogues 

Section 3 --> choose 4 dialogues 

so... you record 10 dialogues  

4. SUBMIT the Recording  by: 

1. this GC (sesuai dengan tempat tugasnya masing-masing) 

2. email mrssitsal@gmail.com

3. FB Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati

4. IG @sitsalummutathma (Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati)

((open = buka, read = baca, dialogue = percakapan, pronounce = mengucapkan, check = teliti, cek, discuss = diskusi, section = bagian, page = halaman, practice = praktekkan, peragakan, again = lagi, RECORD = rekam, AUDIO = suara, each = masing-masing, ONLY = hanya, choose = pilih, SUBMIT = kumpulkan, recording = hasil rekaman))




Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb., my Dear students. Please do the following Competence Test carefully and correctly. This is written English Daily Test #1. The score you get here is also will be used to decide whether you continue to next Grade (grade IX) or still in this Grade (grade VIII). So... please DO this test well.

SfH #7 English Grade VIII (ONLINE #4)

SfH #7 English Grade VIII (ONLINE #4)


Opening Class

Assalamualaikum wr wb, My dear students... Let's we start or class today by praying together, Li ridhoi ta'ala wa li syafa'ati rosulillah... Al fatihah... Rodhitubillahirobba wabil islamidinna wabi Muhammadinnabiyya warosulla, Robizidni ilma...Aaamiiin Please, before we start, prepare your note book, your stationaries and your English Book Grade VIII. Silakan, sebelum kita mulai, siapkan buku tulismu, alat tulismu dan buku Paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII. Here, I'll explain your steps you have to follow and do in our English Class using this GC. Berikut ini, saya akan menjelaskan langkah-langkah yang harus kamu ikuti dan lakukan di kelas Bahasa Inggris menggunakan GC ini. 1. Fill in the PRESENT LIST (mengisi daftar Hadir) : Setiap kali kalian akan memulai mengikuti kelas ini, kalian WAJIB mengisi PRESENT LIST. Coba kalian cari di beranda tulisan "PRESENT LIST", klik buka, baca, isi. Dengan kalian mengisi "PRESENT LIST" ini kalian akan mendapat 3 manfaat: a. kalian akan tercatat di daftar kehadiran saya bahwa kalian mengikuti kelas (tidak membolos), b. kalian akan terus mengingat materi yang paling awal Bahasa Inggris yaitu INTRODUCING YOURSELF, c. kalian akan mendapat nilai 100, sebagai nilai tugas. Untuk yang ini kalian jangan lupa, setelah isi PRESENT LIST form, kembali ke GC lalu KLIK "Tandai Sebagai Selesai" 2. Read All the Materials given (baca semua materi yang diberikan) : Baca semua materi yang tertulis, lihat dan pelajari baik-baik video yang diberikan. Materi untuk satu pertemuan sudah dikumpulkan menjadi 1 TOPIK. Misal untuk hari ini, SfH #7 English Grade VIII (ONLINE #4) berisi: a. Materi Opening (Baca baik-baik ini Opening.) b. Materi Buku Paket ENGLISH VIII Chapter II "We can do it and we will do it" c. Materi/tugas melihat dan mempelajari Video tentang materi. - Expressing Ability (CAN) - Expressing Willingness (WILL) c. Mengerjakan CHECKING YOUR UNDERSTANDING 3. Read also All the Class Comments above every material (baca juga semua komentar-komentar yang ada di bawah setiap materi) : Dengan kalian membaca komentar-komentar di bagian ini, kalian jadi bisa tahu mana to jawaban yang paling benar, apa to sebenarnya yang dimaksud oleh Bu Guru. Sehingga ketika penilaian, kalian bisa memberikan jawaban yang paling benar dan mendapat nilai 100. All right guys, I hope you can understand what I read here and do it. Now, lets' find PRESENT LIST then fill it. Sekarang, coba cari "PRESENT LIST" lalu isilah. Owh ya... Tugas yg kemarin-kemarin belum dikumpulkan, segera kumpulkan lo ya. Dilihat di bagian tugas kelas, masih ada semua penjelasannya.


Hello, Guys... Have you fill the PRESENT LIST? (sudah isi Daftar Hadir?) Please, fill it first. You CAN get score 100, loh. (Silakan isi dulu. Kalian akan menDAPAT nilai 100, loh.) Well, as I said before, today we will learn Chapter II entitled WE CAN DO IT and WE WILL DO IT. or in other words EXPRESSING ABILITY (CAN) and EXPRESSING WILLINGNESS (WILL). 1. to state that we CAN do something (bagaimana cara mengatakan bahwa kita BISA/DAPAT melakukan sesuatu) 2. to state that we WILL do something (bagaimana cara mengatakan bahwa kita AKAN melakukan sesuatu) These materials you can find in your English Book Grade VIII Chapter II Page 19 - 32. For the beginning, now I ask you to open your English Book Grade VIII Chapter II Page 19 - 32. Read it loudly. (Sebagai permulaan, sekarang saya minta kalian untuk OPEN buku bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII halaman 19 - 32. Bacalah dengan keras.) You don't need to record it and submit it to me. (Santai...kalian tidak perlu merekamnya dan mengumpulkannya pada saya.) But, if you WILL record it, it is very EXCELLENT. (Tapi, jika kalian mau merekam suaramu, itu sangat KEREN.) You CAN know how beautiful your voice is. (Kalian bisa tahu betapa indahnya suaramu.) You don't have English Book Grade VIII? (Kalian tidak punya bukunya?) Here, I'll give you the picture of the pages. (ini saya lampirkan foto halaman yang dimaksud.)

At 10 a.m. I WILL post some videos about the materials. (jam 10 saya akan posting beberapa video tentang materi ini.)


Allright, my Dear students... Following are the three Videos of explanation about English Book Grade VIII Chapter 2. (berikut ini adalah 3 video penjelasan tentang buku paket Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII Bab 2.) Please, watch and observe carefully those videos while you are reading the book. (silakan, tonton dan amati baik-baik video-video itu sambil membaca buku paketmu.) It's better for you to make some notes on your English notebook, so you CAN use it to study further offlinely. (lebih bagus lagi jika kalian juga menuliskan catatan-catatan terkait materi ini di buku tulis bahasa Inggrismu, sehingga kalian BISA gunakan untuk belajar secara offline.) Pay more attention on the explanation of page 23 and 29. (lebih perhatikan lagi pada penjelasan tentang halaman 23 dan 29.) I WILL give you some QUESTIONS as written in page 24 and page 30. (saya AKAN memberi beberapa pertanyaan seperti yang tertulis di halaman 24 dan 30.) Use Google Form below for the place to answer it. (gunakan Formulir Google berikut untuk tempat menjawabnya.)

Do in CHECKING YOUR UNDERSTANDING! (Kerjakan di Checking Your Understanding) You do not need to submit the picture of your work. (Kalian tidak perlu mengirimkan gambar pekerjaan kalian.) But, watch all videos carefully. (Tapi, lihat dulu semua videonya dengan baik. Jawabannya ada di sana semua.)



ENGLISH MIDTERM TEST VIII (#1) https://forms.gle/DUKkSrzgpJRgJzH2A Silakan coba lagi, BOLEH.

SfH #8 English Grade VIII (ONLINE #5)

SfH #8 English Grade VIII (ONLINE #5)



Assalamualaikum wr wb, My dear students... Let's we start or class today by praying together, Li ridhoi ta'ala wa li syafa'ati rosulillah... Al fatihah... Rodhitubillahirobba wabil islamidinna wabi Muhammadinnabiyya warosulla, Robizidni ilma...Aaamiiin Please, before we start, prepare your note book, your stationaries and your English Book Grade VIII. Silakan, sebelum kita mulai, siapkan buku tulismu, alat tulismu dan buku Paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII. Here, I'll explain your steps you have to follow and do in our English Class using this GC. Berikut ini, saya akan menjelaskan langkah-langkah yang harus kamu ikuti dan lakukan di kelas Bahasa Inggris menggunakan GC ini. 1. Fill in the PRESENT LIST (mengisi daftar Hadir) : Remember! It is a MUST. (Ingat! ini wajib 'AIN!) 2. Read All the Materials given (baca semua materi yang diberikan) : Baca semua materi yang tertulis, lihat dan pelajari baik-baik video yang diberikan. Misal untuk hari ini, SfH #8 English Grade VIII (ONLINE #5) berisi: a. Materi Opening (Baca baik-baik ini Opening.) b. be FOCUS on it. Material Summary about "We can do it and we will do it" c. It's our Journal Time. Materi Video tentang materi. - Expressing Ability (CAN) - Expressing Willingness (WILL) d. Skill Assessment. Mengerjakan PENILAIAN KETRAMPILAN. 3. Read also All the Class Comments above every material (baca juga semua komentar-komentar yang ada di bawah setiap materi) All right guys, I hope you can understand what I read here and do it. Now, lets' find PRESENT LIST then fill it. Sekarang, coba cari "PRESENT LIST" lalu isilah. Owh ya... Tugas yg kemarin-kemarin belum dikumpulkan, segera kumpulkan lo ya.  

Dilihat di bagian TUGAS KELAS, masih ada semua penjelasannya. 

be FOCUS on it!

Read and WRITE on your notebook the written on pictures of the Material Summary about Ability and Willingness.

MATERIAL SUMMARY "THE EXPRESSION OF ABILITY AND WILLINGNESS" Hello, Guys... Have you fill the PRESENT LIST? (sudah isi Daftar Hadir?) Please, fill it first. You CAN get score 100, loh. (Silakan isi dulu. Kalian akan menDAPAT nilai 100, loh.) Well, as I said before, today we will continue to learn EXPRESSING ABILITY (CAN) and EXPRESSING WILLINGNESS (WILL). Our focus today is make the summary of it. (fokus kita hari ini adalah membuat ringkasan materi) OK, just focus on the Question above. Do you understand what you have to do, right? (Kalian paham kan harus melakukan apa?)
1. READ the picture. (Baca)
2. WRITE on your notebook. (Tulis di buku tulismu) 3. WRITE here to answer the 2 questions. (Tulis jawabanmu di SINI, singkat saja) 1. 3 clue words to express the ability to do something (3 kata kunci yang mengatakan KEMAMPUAN untuk melakukan sesuatu) 2. 2 clue words to express the willingness to do something (2 kata kunci untuk mengatakan KEMAUAN untuk melakukan sesuatu) AFTER finished it, at 10 a.m. I WILL post some videos about the materials. (Setelah selesai mengerjakan ini, jam 10 saya akan posting beberapa video tentang materi ini.) Stay tuned ya... (tunggu ya...) ^-^

It's OUR JOURNAL time.

Hi, Dear...
Our focus today after making the summary is REFLECTION. (fokus kita hari ini setelah membuat ringkasan materi adalah Refleksi.)

After learned the material on the meeting before, read and write the material summary, and (after this) watch the videos about the material, everyone of us will make our reflection on our learning process. (setelah belajar tentang materi-materi ini, baca - tulis - nonton, kita akan membuat REFLEKSI pembelajaran.)

Watch the VIDEOS carefully. Complete the Summary on your notebook.
(tonton video-video berikut dengan baik. lengkapi ringkasan yang tadi telah kamu tulis ya...)

We will use English or BAHASA INDONESIA. (dengan Bahasa Inggris atau Bahasa Indonesia)
Please answer: (jawablah) 1. I have just learned to ... (saya telah belajar tentang ...) 2. The activities I like most were ... (aktivitas yang paling saya sukai adalah ...) 3. The activities I found most difficult were ... (aktivitas yang paling sulit adalah ...) 4. What I need to do better is/are ... (apa yang perlu saya lakukan agar bisa memahami materi ini dengan lebih baik ...)

NB: Ada 6 video yang saya posting, tapi sebenarnya itu hanya 2 video (Ability - Unability dan Willingness - Unwillingness) yang saya posting dengan berbagai versi (ada link url, ada link video youtube, dan video mp4 nya). Pilih yang paling bisa kamu akses (tapi mencakup Ability - Unability dan Willingness - Unwillingness).

Well, at 11.00 I will give you HOMEWORK as the final Penilaian Ketrampilan.


All right, 1. Learn from English Book, finished. Read and watch the video. (belajar dari buku paket, selesai.) 2. Make Material Summary, accomplished. (membuat ringkasan materi, selesai) 3. Write Reflection/My journal, done. (menulis refleksi, sudah.) Now, it's time to SKILL ASSESSMENT (PENILAIAN KETRAMPILAN) What you have to do: (yang harus kamu lakukan) 1. Open English Book Grade VIII page 20-30. (buka buku paket bahasa Inggris halaman 20 -30) 2. Choose 2 dialogues you like most. (pilih 2 dialog yang paling kamu sukai) 3. Make a video (with your friend) simulating those dialogues. (buat sebuah video (dengan temanmu, boleh siapa saja) yang memperagakan dialog tersebut.) You can add some additional sentences to the dialogues. (kalian dapat menambahkan kalimat-kalimat tambahan lain ke dalam dialog.) 4. The time is 1 week. (waktu pengumpulannya 1 minggu)

5. You can submit it HERE, to my email mrssitsal@gmail.com, posting in FB and tag me, posting in IG and tag me, posting in your Youtube channel and you give the link to me. (kalian dapat MENGUMPULKANnya di GC ini, atau ke email saya mrssitsal@gmail.com, posting di FB atau IG lalu saya ditandai, atau jika kamu punya channel youtube bisa lewat youtube dan saya diberi link youtube nya. JANGAN PERNAH MENGUMPULKAN LEWAT WHATSAPP! karena pasti akan SIA-SIA. jika mengumpulkan tidak lewat GC ini, tolong tuliskan di "+ TAMBAH" itu kalian mengumpulkan lewat apa? kapan? biar saya tahu. Paham ya?

Well, INGET YA... Tugas yg kemarin-kemarin belum dikumpulkan, segera kumpulkan juga lo ya. Dilihat di bagian TUGAS KELAS, masih ada semua penjelasannya. You can submit it by: 1. di GC (sesuai dengan tempat tugasnya masing-masing) 2. email mrssitsal@gmail.com 3. FB Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati 4. IG @sitsalummutathma (Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati)

Selasa, 24 November 2020

SfH #9 English Grade VIII (ONLINE #6)

SfH #9 English Grade VIII (ONLINE #6)
VIII A, B, C, D, and E 

Opening Class
Assalamualaikum wr wb, My dear students... 
 Let's we start or class today by praying together, 
Li ridhoi ta'ala wa li syafa'ati rosulillah... Al fatihah... 
Rodhitubillahirobba wabil islamidinna wabi Muhammadinnabiyya warosulla, 
Robizidni ilma...Aaamiiin 

 Please, before we start, prepare your note book, your stationaries and your English Book Grade VIII. Siapkan buku tulismu, alat tulismu dan buku Paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII. 
Here, I'll explain your steps you have to follow and do in our English Class using this GC. 
1. Fill in the PRESENT LIST. Remember! It is a MUST. (Ingat! ini wajib 'AIN!) 
2. Read and learn All the Materials (texts or videos) given. For today,, SfH #9 English Grade VIII (ONLINE #6):

a. Review the previous material "We can do it, We will do it" (Mengulang sekilas materi sebelumnya) I will post it at 08.30 a.m. (akan saya posting jam 08.30 pagi) Write it down on your note book. (catat di buku tulismu) 
b. New Material. New Topic. Start. (at 09.30 a.m.) 
c. Checking Your Understanding. Little Quiz. (at 11.00 a.m.) 

3. You SHOULD read also All the Class Comments above every material. (baca juga sebaiknya membaca semua komentar-komentar) 
All right guys, I hope you can understand what I read here and do it. 
Now, lets' find PRESENT LIST then fill it. Well, Tugas yg kemarin-kemarin belum dikumpulkan, segera kumpulkan juga lo ya. 
Dilihat di bagian TUGAS KELAS, masih ada semua penjelasannya. 
You can submit it by: 
1. this GC (sesuai dengan tempat tugasnya masing-masing) 
3. FB Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati
4. IG @sitsalummutathma (Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati)

Review the previous material "We can do it, We will do it"

Morning, Guys... Have you fill the PRESENT LIST? Please, fill it first. You CAN get score 100, loh. In this part, before we continue to the next material today, I will give a review about the previous task. (saya akan memberikan penguatan tentang tugas sebelumnya) It's important so please make a note about it in your notebook. (catatlah di buku tulismu) Here we go... (mulai dari sini) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We CAN do it, We WILL do it EXPRESSING ABILITY (CAN) and EXPRESSING WILLINGNESS (WILL) 1. 3 clue words to express the ability to do something --> to say that we CAN do it jika kalian menemukan 3 kata kunci ini dalam sebuah kalimat yang kalian baca atau kalian dengan, maka bisa disimpulkan secara sederhana bahwa kalimat tersebut adalah kalimat yang 'menyatakan KEMAMPUAN untuk melakukan sesuatu' atau bahwa si pembicara 'mampu' atau 'dapat' atau 'bisa' melakukan sesuatu. a. CAN b. COULD c. be able to ('be" singkatan dari 'to be' (is, am, are, was, were)) jadi bisa 'is able to', 'am able to', 'are able to', 'was able to', were able to' 2. 2 clue words to express the willingness to do something --> to say that we WILL do it jika kalian menemukan 2 kata kunci ini dalam sebuah kalimat yang kalian baca atau kalian dengan, maka bisa disimpulkan secara sederhana bahwa kalimat tersebut adalah kalimat yang 'menyatakan KEMAUAN untuk melakukan sesuatu' atau bahwa si pembicara 'mau' atau 'akan' atau 'ingin' melakukan sesuatu. a. WILL b. WOULD Then, how if we want to express inability (KETIDAKMAMPUAN) dan unwillingness (KETIDAKMAUAN)? just put NOT: a. CANNOT = CAN'T b. COULD NOT = COULDN'T c be NOT able to --> is not able to, am not able to, are not able to, was not able to, were not able to d. WILL NOT = WON"T d. WOULD NOT = WOULDN'T --------------------------------------------------------------- That's the review, if you want to study more deep, please watch again the videos in SfH #8 After this, at 09.30 a.m. we will start a new material. Please be ready with your English Book VIII Chapter 3 Here I give you some pictures about our new material. Let's guess. (Cobalah tebak)


Hi, Guys... Now, we will start a new topic today. Guys... Have you ever read a text :
___ NO SMOKING ___
Actually, what does it means? (apa sih maksudnya? apa tujuannya? Can you do it? Will you do it? I'm sure, after you understand the text, you know that it is good words. You can do it for your good. (pasti bisa demi kebaikan kalian) The question is WILL you do it? (akankah?) CAN and WILL ^_^ Well, so... What is the correlation between the texts I given and our material today? (apa hubungannya ya dengan materi hari ini?) The title of this topic is "WE KNOW WHAT TO DO" (know = mengetahui, tahu; Do = melakukan, lakukan) You can also study this material in your English Book Grade VIII Chapter III page 33 - 43. (page = halaman) In this chapter we will learn: 1. to give suggestion = expression of suggestion 2. to state rules = expression of prohibition 3. to state obligation = expression of obligation WHAT ARE THEY ABOUT? Alright, to make you understand, please watch the video above. While you watch the video, please be ready to take note. (sambil melihat video, siaplah juga untuk mencatat hal berikut)

Video Materi (1) Watch it carefully.
Video Materi (2) Watch it carefully.
------------------------------------- Find the answer for the following questions in the video: (temukan jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut DI DALAM video) 1. suggestion is ... 2. prohibition is ... 3. obligation is ... 4. clue words to express suggestions are ... (clue word = kata kunci) 5. clue word to express prohibition is ... 6. clue words to express obligation are ... ------------------------------------------------------------- okay, watch the video carefully and find the answer for the 6 questions above. (tonton baik-baik videonya dan temukan jawaban dari 6 pertanyaan itu) For the next, at 11 a.m I will give you a little Quiz about it. be ready...

Checking Your Understanding "We Know What to Do" (Suggestions, Obligations, Prohibitions)

After you read and learn the material about "We Have To Do It" in the video,
let's check how far you can understand the material.
Please do this Little Quiz correctly.
Ini LINK Quiznya. Dikerjakan baik-baik ya...

SfH #10 English Grade VIII (Online #7)

 SfH #10 English Grade VIII (Online #7)

VIII A, B, C, D, E

Opening Class

Assalamualaikum wr wb, My dear students... Let's we start or class today by praying together, Li ridhoi ta'ala wa li syafa'ati rosulillah... Al fatihah... Rodhitubillahirobba wabil islamidinna wabi Muhammadinnabiyya warosulla, Robizidni ilma...Aaamiiin Please, before we start, prepare your note book, your stationaries and your English Book Grade VIII. Siapkan buku tulismu, alat tulismu dan buku Paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII. Here, I'll explain your steps you have to follow and do in our English Class using this GC. 1. Fill in the PRESENT LIST. (PRESENT LIST GRADE VIII (A, B, C, D, & E)) Remember! It is a MUST. (Ingat! ini wajib 'AIN!) 2. Read and learn All the Materials (texts or videos) given. For today,, SfH #10 English Grade VIII (ONLINE #7): a. Review the previous material "WE KNOW WHAT TO DO" (Mengulang sekilas materi sebelumnya) I will post it at 08.30 a.m. (akan saya posting jam 08.30 pagi) Write it down on your note book. (CATAT di buku tulismu) b. "WE KNOW WHAT TO DO" (part 2). (at 09.30 a.m.) c. Checking Your Understanding. Little PROJECT. (at 11.00 a.m.) 3. Read also All the Class Comments above every material. (baca juga semua komentar-komentar) All right guys, I hope you can understand what I read here and do it. Now, lets' find PRESENT LIST then fill it. Well, Tugas yg kemarin-kemarin belum dikumpulkan, segera kumpulkan juga lo ya. Dilihat di bagian TUGAS KELAS, masih ada semua penjelasannya. You can submit it by: 1. this GC (sesuai dengan tempat tugasnya masing-masing) 2. email mrssitsal@gmail.com 3. FB Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati 4. IG @sitsalummutathma (Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati) The last but not the Least in this Opening Class part, After you finish learning this material and understand it (even a little bit), I hope, for your bright future, "YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO" now. (Saya harap, demi masa depanmu yang cerah, "KAMU TAHU APA SAJA YANG harus KAMU LAKUKAN" saat ini. When I grow up, I want to be... (jika besar nanti, saya ingin menjadi...) Who...are you? When...it will be happend? What...are the rules? (obligations, prohibitions, and suggestions)

Chapter III. "WE KNOW WHAT TO DO" Part 2

Well, my Dear students... Last time, we discussed the material about "We Know What To Do" (Kita Tahu Apa yang (harus) Kita Lakukan) We also learnt it from a video, right? I you forgot, you can watch that video again. To make you always remember this material, please now take your pen and your English notebook, then write down the following text. (supaya kamu selalu INGAT pada materi ini, silakan sekarang ambil bolpoinmu dan buku tulis bahasa Inggrismu untuk mencatat tulisan berikut ini) Stop for a moment, (sebentar-sebentar...) hmm... kalimat yang tadi kalian baca termasuk Suggestion? Prohibition? or Obligation? If I change the sentences: (jika saya ubah kalimatnya jadi begini:) ..., now you SHOULD take your pen and your English book, then you MUST write down... How about that? Okay, do you get my point? (paham yang saya maksud?) Let's start writing from this --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------mulai menulis dari sini -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "WE KNOW WHAT TO DO" There are 3 sub materials: 1. to give suggestion = expression of suggestion 2. to state rules = expression of prohibition 3. to state obligation = expression of obligation 1. suggestion is nasihat, saran, usul, anjuran, petunjuk, rekomendasi = ADVICE 2. prohibition is larangan, pantangan = FORBID/FORBIDDEN 3. obligation is kewajiban, keharusan, aturan = RULE = REGULATION 4. clue word (= kata kunci) to express suggestions are a. SHOULD (sebaiknya) b. SHOULD NOT = Shouldn't (sebaiknya jangan) 5. clue words to express prohibition are: a. Must not = Mustn't b. No = tidak, jangan c. Do not = Don't = dilarang, jangan 6. clue words to express obligation are a. MUST (harus) b. Have to (harus) Must dan Have to artinya sama bu? Yes, hanya makna dibalik kata itu yang sedikit berbeda. Kedua kata tersebut sama-sama berarti HARUS dalam bahasa Inggris, tetapi jika HAVE TO maknanya "Wajib 'Ain", WAJIB yang benar-benar HARUS dilaksanakan. Sehingga kata 'have to' seringkali kita jumpai dalam Laws, Rules atau Regulations (Undang-undang, Aturan atau Peraturan) So, dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, pernahkah kalian jumpai kalimat yang termasuk Suggestion, Prohibition, atau Obligation? Tentu banyak dong, entah itu bahasa lisan (yang terucap langsung) atau bahasa tulis (tanda-tanda, lambang-lambang) Kalau dalam bahasa Inggris tanda-tanda (signs) itu disebut NOTICE, WARNING, CAUTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------End Note-------------------------------------------- Apalagi di masa pandemi seperti sekarang ini kan, semakin banyak Prohibitions dan Obligations yang tertempel di berbagai tempat-tempat umum. with the title "NOTICE", "WARNING", "CAUTION" dengan judul yang besar-besar "PERHATIAN", "PERINGATAN", "DILARANG" lebih dari hanya sekedar Suggestions ya... Allright guys, sambil menunggu materi selanjutnya yang akan sy posting jam 11, Please, you have to (obligation ini ya, HAVE TO) open your ENGLISH BOOK GRADE VIII 1. page 34 - 35 (read, re-read, re-read and try to understand) baca, baca ulang, baca ulang dan cobalah untuk mencari tahu agar bisa paham maksud kalimatnya) In this pages, the teacher gives 11 suggestions to use and learn English. (di halaman ini, guru itu memberikan 11 saran untuk menggunakan dan belajar bahasa Inggris) hayooo... cari tahu, apa saya coba 11 itu. 2. page 37 Ada 12 kasus, 2 kasus sudah ada SUGGESTIONS nya, coba 10 yang lain kalian cari tahu kasus apa sih? kira-kira apa saranmu jika mengalami kasus seperti itu. coba rangkai saranmu, dalam bahasa Indonesia juga tidak apa-apa sarannya. 3. page 40 - 42 In those pages, there are 4 students who say the rules and obligations at schools. (ada 4 siswa yang mengatakan tentang aturan dan peraturan di sekolah) coba, kalian data apa sajakah RULES dan Obligationsnya. Akan lebih baik lagi jika datanya dalam bahasa Inggris, lalu di-Indonesia-kan alias diterjemahkan. Well, that's what you SHOULD, you MUST, you HAVE TO do know. if you have any questions related to this tasks, please write your questions in Class Comment. (jika ada pertanyaan, silakan tanyakan di Komentar Kelas di bawah ini) Please, if you have done it, write a comment in Class Comment. (tolong, jika sudah selesai mengerjakan materi ini, tulis komentar dilengkapi nama dan kelas di bawah ini sebagai bukti.)

Little PROJECT "WE KNOW WHAT TO DO in Pandemic Era"

1. Make a brochure about "How to Protect from Corona Virus Desease - 19 (Covid-19)". (Make = (bisa) membuat sendiri, maksudnya menggambar atau melukis sendiri di selembar kertas HVS Polos; ataupun bisa mengeprint, mencetak brosur yang kalian temukan.) Membuatnya atau mencetaknya jangan penuh sehalaman ya, karena akan ada tugas selanjutnya di brosur itu. 2. Di tempat yang kosong, tuliskan: a. Opening (yang berisi Greeting and your Identity) b. Content (Terjemahan/Bahasa Indonesianya, Kalimat itu Suggestion/Prohibition/Obligation?, Apa kata kuncinya yang menyatakan itu Suggestion/Prohibition/Obligation) c. Closing (Penutup) TULISkan sebaik-baiknya, serapi-rapinya. tulis tangan boleh, sekalian print dengan brosurnya juga boleh. ingat...jangan sampai ketahuan nyontek lo ya... tulisan tangan berwarna-warni boleh banget. ^-^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Berikut saya contohkan beberapa Brosur yang bisa kalian pakai dan contoh cara mengerjakan. Ini hanya contoh ya, kalian bisa mencari sendiri dengan kata kunci: 'how to protect yourself from coronavirus'

contoh hasil tugas

contoh brosur tentang covid (1)

contoh brosur tentang covid (2)

contoh brosur tentang covid (3)

Jika sudah selesai, silakan kirim fotonya: 1. di GC kelas masing-masing 2. email mrssitsal@gmail.com 3. FB Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati 4. IG @sitsalummutathma (Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati) Thank you...

Jumat, 20 November 2020

SfH #11 English Grade VIII (Online #8)

 SfH #11 English Grade VIII (Online #8)
VIII A, B, C, D, E

Opening Class

Assalamualaikum wr wb, My dear students... Let's we start or class today by praying together, Li ridhoi ta'ala wa li syafa'ati rosulillah... Al fatihah... Rodhitubillahirobba wabil islamidinna wabi Muhammadinnabiyya warosulla, Robizidni ilma...Aaamiiin Please, before we start, prepare your note book, your stationaries and your English Book Grade VIII. Siapkan buku tulismu, alat tulismu dan buku Paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII. Here, I'll explain your steps you have to follow and do in our English Class using this GC. 1. Fill in the PRESENT LIST. (PRESENT LIST GRADE VIII (A, B, C, D, & E)) Remember! It is a MUST. (Ingat! ini wajib 'AIN!) 2. Read and learn All the Materials (texts or videos) given. For today,, SfH #11 English Grade VIII (ONLINE #8): a. NEW material "Come to My Birthday, Please; Happy Birthday Lina" I will post it at 08.30 a.m. (akan saya posting jam 08.30 pagi) Write it down on your note book. (CATAT di buku tulismu) b. INVITING SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING. Make an Invitation. (at 9 a.m.) c. INVITATION CARDS (at 10 a.m.) d. A QUESTION about An Invitation Card (at 11 a.m.) 3. Read also All the Class Comments above every material. (baca juga semua komentar-komentar) All right guys, I hope you can understand what I read here and do it. Now, lets' find PRESENT LIST then fill it. Well, Tugas yg kemarin-kemarin belum dikumpulkan, segera kumpulkan juga lo ya. Dilihat di bagian TUGAS KELAS, masih ada semua penjelasannya. You can submit it by: 1. this GC (sesuai dengan tempat tugasnya masing-masing) 2. email mrssitsal@gmail.com 3. FB Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati 4. IG @sitsalummutathma (Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati)

CHAPTER IV "Come to My Birthday Party, Please! Happy Birthday Lina." INVITING SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING

Hello everyone, Today we will learn next new material. This material will be our last material in this semester. Next meeting will be "Final Term Examination" or Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS). So, please be ready. ------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter IV "Come to My Birthday Party, Please! Happy Birthday Lina." Please open English Book Grade VIII: When English Rings the Bell start from page 45, and for more clear explanation you can learn from the videos (in the link) above. Well, in this Chapter there are three sub-materials: 1. to INVITE someone to do something 2. to give instructions 3. to ask for permission Due to the time limitation, among those three, our focus is sub-material no. 1. "TO INVITE SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING" Apakah kalian mempunyai gambaran tentang materi yang akan kita pelajari bersama? to INVITE someone to do something --> INVITE (apa ya bahasa Indonesianya?) example: Beni and Siti are walking together to go home after school. Beni : Siti, tomorrow is my birthday, would you like to come to my house at 10 a.m.? My mother will make a small party for my birthday. Siti : Okay, Beni. I will come to your house. Thanks for the INVITATION. Beni : Allright. See you tomorrow in my house. Jadi... apa ya INVITE itu? INVITATION? Di akhir percakapan, Beni mengatakan 'parting expression': see you tomorrow in my house, kepada Siti. (sampai jumpa lagi besok di rumahku) Nah, jadi...kemungkinan besok Siti akan datang ke rumah Beni karena Beni INVITE (mengundang)nya secara langsung/lisan. Then, how did Beni invite Siti? (bagaimana undangannya disampaikan?) Beni invited Siti DIRECTLY (=secara langsung) or ORALLY (=secara lisan) Sampai di sini sudah mulai paham materi kita kali ini? Now, please open your English Book Grade VIII Chapter IV (start from page 45) while watching this video: TO INVITE SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING : Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 Bab 4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkJEx4-e4ks) (buka buku paket Bab IV sambil menonton video ini)
1. Make some notes about: (catat hal-hal berikut di buku tulismu) What is 'to invite someone to do something' or 'expression of invitation' 2. Open and read page 47 and 48. Say it loudly, clearly and correctly. (baca dengan keras, jelas dan benar percakapan di halaman 47 - 48) 3. Write example of 'to invite someone to do something' or 'expression of invitation'. (tulis contoh ungkapan itu) 4. Write example of 'Accepting Invitation'. 5. Write example of 'Declining Invitation'. Sebagai pembanding, please learn also from this video: 1. CHAPTER IV || Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 INVITE SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING|| Accept & Declining Invitation (
2. INVITATION (Materi Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8)

Okay Guys, sampai di sini, sudahkah kalian paham apa yang harus dilakukan? At 09.30 a.m. I will post next material for you: 'make an invitation'. (make = membuat) 

to make you more and more understand about this topic. 

Okay... So far, we've learned about 'INVITING someone to do something', 'ACCEPTING invitation', and 'DECLINING invitation' directly/orally. (directly = secara langsung, orally = secara lisan). 
Now, it's your turn to create (=make) an invitation to someone to do something. (kesempatanmu untuk membuat sebuah undangan/ajakan).
The examples are in the picture above. (contohnya ada di gambar)

Instructions: (Petunjuk)
Make an invitation 'comic' based on the following situation. Choose ONE situation.
Invite your friend to: 
  • Play football after school (accepting) 
  • Your farewell party (accepting) 
  • Picnic in a garden (declining) 
  • Go swimming this weekend (declining)
The 'comic' or the background of the dialogue can be your real photo with your friend (ingat ini dialog, jadi lebih dari 1 orang ya yang berbicara) or animation picture. 
I am very sure, you can definitely use a very sophisticated image editing application. (kalau urusan edit gambar, saya yakin kalian canggih-canggih.)  
Just choose ONE story. (pilih satu saja ceritanya) 
The sentences can you choose from the material videos. (kalimatnya lihat lagi di video materi ya...bisa disesuaikan dengan situasi cerita yang saya minta) 

Jika sudah selesai, silakan kirim fotonya: 
1. di Google Classroom 
3. FB Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati
4. IG @sitsalummutathma (Siti Salamah Puji Azhariyati)
Because next meeting is Final Term Exam, this Assignment is Today's Project ya...
(nah, karena pertemuan besok adalah PAS, maka tugas ini harus segera selesai hari ini juga ya...)
Thank you...
At 10 a.m. I will post our very last material today about INVITATION CARDS (= kartu Undangan) alias undangan tertulis.
Please be ready... ^-^

INVITATION CARDS (Written Invitation)

In the previous material, we already learned about inviting someone to do something 'directly'/'orally'. (undangan secara langsung/lisan) Lalu kalau ada Invitation Lisan, apakah ada undangan yang text/writen atau undangan tertulis? Jawabannya, Ya tentu saja ada. Hal ini biasanya terjadi ketika kita tidak bisa invite secara lisan face to face or by phone. Ataupun jika invite to come to formal occation (=acara resmi). Well, for this time, we will study about 'written' invitation (written = tertulis) or invitation card = invitation text. In Indonesia language, Invitation Card is 'kartu' undangan or Invitation Text artinya adalah teks berisi undangan atau bisa juga kita sebut sebagai undangan tertulis. More detail, an Invitation Card or Invitation Text is a letter that FUNCTIONs to invite someone to attend an event organized by the invitee, for example, a birthday party, wedding party, thanksgiving invitations and many others. (berfungsi untuk mengundang seseorang agar menghadiri suatu acara yang diselenggarakan oleh si pengundang) Do you get the point? (paham kan sampai ini?) Then, what is the form of invitation in English? Watch this video: INVITATION - SHORT FUNCTIONAL TEXT (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv9v7LAiZOA)
------------------write on your note book (tulis jawabannya di buku tulis)-------------- While watching the video, please be focus on: 1. FUNCTION/PURPOSE of the Invitation 2. Six PARTs of the Invitation (parts = bagian-bagian) How to make an Invitation (written invitation) ----------------------------------------------------------------- At 11 a.m. I will post A QUESTION about an Invitation Card to check your understanding more about it. Okay... ^-^

Question: State TRUE or FALSE for the following sentences based on the INVITATION CARD given. Give your explanation to support your answer.
State TRUE or FALSE for the following sentences based on the INVITATION CARD given. (tentukan mana kalimat yang T (benar) atau F (salah) sesuai dengan undangan) Give your explanation to support your answer in Indonesia. (Jelaskan dalam Bahasa Indonesia untuk mendukung jawabanmu) The invitation card is in picture above. (undangan yang dimaksud ada di bawah ini)
The Sentences are: (ini kalimatnya, tentukan T/F)
1. Megan will celebrate her 5th birthday. (T/F) 2. Mary invite us to have pajama party. (T/F) 3. The party will be held at October 1st. (T/F) 4. The place of the party is in Megan's house. (T/F) 5. Whether we can or can't come to the party, we have to confirm to Megan by phone or email. (T/F) 6. The party will last for 17 hours. (T/F) Cara menjawab: 1. Langsung dijawab di GC seperti mengetik sms/wa. Atau, 2. Tulis di buku tulis soal dan jawabannya, foto, kirim ke email/FB/IG.
Well, that's it our material today. Thanks so much. I am waiting for your tasks in GC/FB/IG or email. If you have any QUESTIONs please send me a message in GC/FB/IG/email/WA. Let's close our class today by praying together. Alhamdulillahirrobil alamin... Please stay healthy. Don't forget to remember 3M. We'll meet soon after this pandemi is over. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.